
STMicroelectronics Industry Summit 2023: Focus on smart power and smart digitalization to build a green and low-carbon future

Views:133 Published:2023/11/22

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On September 28, 2023, the fifth industrial summit of STMicroelectronics, which represents the vane of smart industry development, was grandly opened at the Futian Shangri-La Hotel in Shenzhen.
The world today is facing severe climate challenges. STMicroelectronics has always fulfilled its commitment to sustainable development and actively improved application energy efficiency by creating advanced optimized intelligence (digital), energy and power conversion solutions, and opened up a path to a green, low-carbon and sustainable future.
The Industrial Summit is a top industry event where STMicroelectronics showcases industrial technology products and solutions. The theme of this year's summit is "Inspiring Intelligence and Continuous Innovation." Through forward-looking keynote speeches and about 30 technical seminars, STMicroelectronics let the audience understand how STMicroelectronics focuses on smart power and smart digital applications. At the same time, STMicroelectronics also displayed more than 150 solution demonstrations for the three major markets of automation, power and energy, and motor control, as well as exciting products and solutions jointly developed with customers and partners for attendees to visit and experience.
STMicroelectronics executives, representatives of various product departments, regional marketing and sales leaders, as well as ST customers and partners attended the conference. Cao Zhiping, executive vice president of STMicroelectronics and president of China, delivered a welcome speech for the conference. He said that China is the engine driving the growth of the industrial market and one of ST's most important markets. Despite the impact of the epidemic in the past few years, ST has still persisted in successfully hosting industrial summits for five consecutive years. This fully reflects ST's perseverance and commitment to the industrial market. ST has never stopped technological innovation and will empower industrial market innovation and accelerate sustainable development through the latest technologies and solutions in the fast-growing Asian industrial market, especially the Chinese industrial market.

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